I cannot believe that my sister in law is a SENIOR! When I first met her she was in the fourth grade and she sent a stuffed animal with my husband to school that she had named Miranda as a gift for me. It has been really awesome to watch her grow up and to get to become friends with her from an early age.

Mary Grace goes to L&N STEM downtown and is incredibly smart. She is full of the silly Mader blood, which definitely comes across in these photos. She is not only going to college to be a nurse already, she IS a nurse. She passed her exam and works as a nurse when she isn’t at school. There is no denying she is a driven young lady.

When it comes to free time Mary Grace is just as busy. When she isn’t at school or work she is running for L&N. When she isn’t running? Well, she’s watching Bob’s Burgers,(A personal favorite as well) or watching ticktocks. She also loves hanging out with friends and family when she can and loves house parties.

I’m so proud of my sister. At some point we will have been in each others life longer than we have been without each other and I look forward to that day.
